Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hawth visit

For todays lesson my self and the class visited The Hawth Theatre Crawley to analyse the space for our awards ceremony.

Before we left, we discussed what we needed to consider; for example questions to ask the technician about the following:

  • The space for the actual event
  • Techniqual issues for the live team e.g. equipment, lighting
  • stage design
  • Catering space
  • Makeup and hair (dressing room)
  • Producers e.g. Audience, seating etc.
  • Ushers

Each production teams went off and disscussed the space which is based upon their Job roles. Each group had to fill in a health and safety recce to show the potential hazards that may orrur during the production. Each team had been given a camera for research on the location. Pictures were taken of their chosen spaces to focus on, which will ve used to look back on as a primary source.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Requirements of the brief

In todays lesson we were given our next assignment to discuss and plan the requirements of the brief.

1. I have been asked to identify and plan a response to a live brief. The event will be Monday the 23rd of June 18:30 to 20:00 at the Hawth Theatre. It's the media departments first awards ceremony where all year groups will be invited aswell as local dignitaries and the local public.

For this event to go ahead it is up to the first year national diploma students organise the advertising and the event planning. Also it is up the students to decide the name of the event, prizes and awards and requirement roles for example the setting or lighting.

Meetings in your production groups will be held frequently in order to decide the concept and the management roles within the group.

2. To achieve all of the above I will need to include
  • meeting notes
  • research file
  • diary/log entries
  • written account of the requirements and constaints of the brief
  • treatment including evidence of how you will meet the requiremts
  • production schedule
  • timeline
  • layout designs
  • storyboards if applicable
  • justification of your management role

3. To manage my time carefully in order to make this event a success, I am going to create a timeline and a production diary to plan what I need to do in each lesson and what will be achieved for the the next session.

4. To complete each element of the brief I will set my own deadline each week. This is to save time and make sure each task is completed on the set date.