Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hawth visit

For todays lesson my self and the class visited The Hawth Theatre Crawley to analyse the space for our awards ceremony.

Before we left, we discussed what we needed to consider; for example questions to ask the technician about the following:

  • The space for the actual event
  • Techniqual issues for the live team e.g. equipment, lighting
  • stage design
  • Catering space
  • Makeup and hair (dressing room)
  • Producers e.g. Audience, seating etc.
  • Ushers

Each production teams went off and disscussed the space which is based upon their Job roles. Each group had to fill in a health and safety recce to show the potential hazards that may orrur during the production. Each team had been given a camera for research on the location. Pictures were taken of their chosen spaces to focus on, which will ve used to look back on as a primary source.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Requirements of the brief

In todays lesson we were given our next assignment to discuss and plan the requirements of the brief.

1. I have been asked to identify and plan a response to a live brief. The event will be Monday the 23rd of June 18:30 to 20:00 at the Hawth Theatre. It's the media departments first awards ceremony where all year groups will be invited aswell as local dignitaries and the local public.

For this event to go ahead it is up to the first year national diploma students organise the advertising and the event planning. Also it is up the students to decide the name of the event, prizes and awards and requirement roles for example the setting or lighting.

Meetings in your production groups will be held frequently in order to decide the concept and the management roles within the group.

2. To achieve all of the above I will need to include
  • meeting notes
  • research file
  • diary/log entries
  • written account of the requirements and constaints of the brief
  • treatment including evidence of how you will meet the requiremts
  • production schedule
  • timeline
  • layout designs
  • storyboards if applicable
  • justification of your management role

3. To manage my time carefully in order to make this event a success, I am going to create a timeline and a production diary to plan what I need to do in each lesson and what will be achieved for the the next session.

4. To complete each element of the brief I will set my own deadline each week. This is to save time and make sure each task is completed on the set date.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Poster design

In today's lesson I have been given my second task to create two adverts, one of which is a poster and the other a leaflet, audio visual or radio advert.

I have been looking on various websites and found different poster designs that I could use as ideas for my poster for the media award ceremony.

Below are a few posters that caught my eye:

The two vintage posters beside are both for music festivals the reason why I chose both posters was because I wanted to see the difference between a dated poster and compare it with a more modern updated poster. Also because they are eye both catching. They both include the name of the event, the stage productions, the location, dates, feature acts, details of the concept of the whole festival and also a central image which relates to the whole idea of the main event.

Beside is an Oscar Awards poster which has a central image of the award itself. The viewer can familiarise themselves with this image as they would recognise it being the symbol for the Oscar awards, and would automatically know that this poster is for the Oscars, as it is such a famous image. This is a more modern poster and has a fairly simple layout. the central image is the main focus with the name of the event in big text just underneath the central image. The dates and time of the award ceremony are present below the name of the event. This is to show the audience what and when the event is. Also the web address is shown at the very bottom of the page this is to give the viewer a chance of finding more out about the event. I would like to use this in my poster as I was thinking of creating an audio visual web advert as the Internet is so popular and my target audience would be able to access my adverts more frequently. This poster is very charming in the way its background has lots of famous quotes from different films. It is interesting for the audience to look at as it relates to the award ceremony itself and makes them want to read the poster.

This poster is a design for New York guitar festival and has a simple yet effective layout. As any other poster would include, it has the name of the event, dates, the producers and founders. Also the web address is written down the right hand side, this is so the audience can gain further information about this music festival. The main vocal image is center of the page. The heading and image are very bright and colourful, which will catch the eyes of the audience. The main image relates to the name of the festival. It is of a Mosaic man holding a guitar. I think this is effective as it shows creativity and flair to the audience. It would persuade them more to go to the event as this is what the event is based around, the music that will be performed at the festival will have creativity and flair. This poster also has the sponsor at them bottom of the page, with the company logos.

I will analyse all of the ideas I have researched in all the different posters and contribute their ideas to my own to create my final poster design.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


In todays lesson I have researched different events that are happening locally, nationally and internationally.

The various festivals, events and award ceremony's that I have looked at include MTV, Brit Awards, BAFTA's, Glastonbury, Reading and the great escape festivals.


The British Film Academy of film and arts aim is to support, develop and promote the art forms of moving image.
It is a 1 day award cermony producing awards for film, television, television craft, video games and childrens awards.
The web page is designed to show the audience what they are about and the benefits of the academy. Its layout is very clear on the different categories which provide information for the audience to find more about this event.

The key audeince would be a wide range of all ages, because it has such varied availibitlity of awards to offer, for example film, TV and video games it targets all ages.